Ibertech at “AEF´s Coffee”

Black Friday

Keeping with our collaborations with the Spanish Franchisors Association, this Wednesday, January 23, we participated in their “Coffee”, a very interesting activity where in a very quickly way you can talk about your company´s activity. The issue of that coffee was mainly the solution www.dondeestanmisclientes.es that helps all companies for using Big Data. In our […]

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Ibertech at “AEF´s Coffee”

Tendencias para 2020

Keeping with our collaborations with the Spanish Franchisors Association, this Wednesday, January 23, we participated in their “Coffee”, a very interesting activity where in a very quickly way you can talk about your company´s activity. The issue of that coffee was mainly the solution www.dondeestanmisclientes.es that helps all companies for using Big Data. In our […]

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Ibertech at “AEF´s Coffee”


Keeping with our collaborations with the Spanish Franchisors Association, this Wednesday, January 23, we participated in their “Coffee”, a very interesting activity where in a very quickly way you can talk about your company´s activity. The issue of that coffee was mainly the solution www.dondeestanmisclientes.es that helps all companies for using Big Data. In our […]

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Ibertech at “AEF´s Coffee”


Keeping with our collaborations with the Spanish Franchisors Association, this Wednesday, January 23, we participated in their “Coffee”, a very interesting activity where in a very quickly way you can talk about your company´s activity. The issue of that coffee was mainly the solution www.dondeestanmisclientes.es that helps all companies for using Big Data. In our […]

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Ibertech at “AEF´s Coffee”

Empresa familiar

Keeping with our collaborations with the Spanish Franchisors Association, this Wednesday, January 23, we participated in their “Coffee”, a very interesting activity where in a very quickly way you can talk about your company´s activity. The issue of that coffee was mainly the solution www.dondeestanmisclientes.es that helps all companies for using Big Data. In our […]

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Ibertech at “AEF´s Coffee”

La tecnología de reconocimiento facial

Keeping with our collaborations with the Spanish Franchisors Association, this Wednesday, January 23, we participated in their “Coffee”, a very interesting activity where in a very quickly way you can talk about your company´s activity. The issue of that coffee was mainly the solution www.dondeestanmisclientes.es that helps all companies for using Big Data. In our […]

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Ibertech at “AEF´s Coffee”

Internet de las cosas, IoT, wearables, Internet of Things

Keeping with our collaborations with the Spanish Franchisors Association, this Wednesday, January 23, we participated in their “Coffee”, a very interesting activity where in a very quickly way you can talk about your company´s activity. The issue of that coffee was mainly the solution www.dondeestanmisclientes.es that helps all companies for using Big Data. In our […]

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Ibertech at “AEF´s Coffee”


Keeping with our collaborations with the Spanish Franchisors Association, this Wednesday, January 23, we participated in their “Coffee”, a very interesting activity where in a very quickly way you can talk about your company´s activity. The issue of that coffee was mainly the solution www.dondeestanmisclientes.es that helps all companies for using Big Data. In our […]

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Ibertech at “AEF´s Coffee”


Keeping with our collaborations with the Spanish Franchisors Association, this Wednesday, January 23, we participated in their “Coffee”, a very interesting activity where in a very quickly way you can talk about your company´s activity. The issue of that coffee was mainly the solution www.dondeestanmisclientes.es that helps all companies for using Big Data. In our […]

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Ibertech at “AEF´s Coffee”

Keeping with our collaborations with the Spanish Franchisors Association, this Wednesday, January 23, we participated in their “Coffee”, a very interesting activity where in a very quickly way you can talk about your company´s activity. The issue of that coffee was mainly the solution www.dondeestanmisclientes.es that helps all companies for using Big Data. In our […]

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Ibertech at “AEF´s Coffee”

Keeping with our collaborations with the Spanish Franchisors Association, this Wednesday, January 23, we participated in their “Coffee”, a very interesting activity where in a very quickly way you can talk about your company´s activity. The issue of that coffee was mainly the solution www.dondeestanmisclientes.es that helps all companies for using Big Data. In our […]

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Ibertech at “AEF´s Coffee”

Desayuno AEF

Keeping with our collaborations with the Spanish Franchisors Association, this Wednesday, January 23, we participated in their “Coffee”, a very interesting activity where in a very quickly way you can talk about your company´s activity. The issue of that coffee was mainly the solution www.dondeestanmisclientes.es that helps all companies for using Big Data. In our […]

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Ibertech accompanies you on your trip to the cloud

New Cloud Services   At Ibertech, we are aware of the great importance and evolution of the market towards cloud environments that allow companies to optimize their technological structure and provide them with greater flexibility. We expand our services by providing our cloud experience to help the needs that are increasingly common to all companies […]

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BIG DATA en Soy Digital | Localiza a tus clientes al instante y rentabiliza la información

Ibertech estará presente junto a Orange el próximo 31 de octubre en el foro “Soy Digital” orientado a empresas, profesionales, emprendedores y jóvenes interesados en la transformación digital. Ya no hay excusas para no analizar tus datos!. Durante el evento hablaremos de la importancia de tratar los datos y tomar decisiones en base a ellos […]

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